My Tech-penury
Written on 7:42 AM by TSO
Have realised for a person who claims to be interested in technical reviews, I own some pretty low fare stuff. Let's review:
- Motorola W375, fuchsia at that (it was a phase, I almost opted for a pink credit card)
- Verbatim 2GB pen drive (I woke up at 8 am on a Saturday to pick that up for $10 @ a one day only sale)
- Seagate standard 3.5" 80GB hard drive in a local USB casing to make it portable
- Dell 1525 - that's after 2 months of soul ravaging conflict between economy and a MacBook Pro :(
- Transcend 1GB mp3 player (bought based on experience with friend's model and lack of drive to shop around)
- DLink DIR300 wireless router, coz it was the cheapest!
No iPods, no piano black 8GB N95's.
Who cares actually, this was a fun exercise though!