Written on 6:57 AM by TSO
Have ordered 3 books @ Amazon. My first Amazon purchase.
1. Princeton Review with DVD (unfortunately was brainless enough to not realise 2009 version would be available in June, so have ordered 2008 one!)
2. Official Guide to GMAT Review
3. Official Guide to Verbal Reasoning
4. Official Guide to Quantitative Analysis
Cost me AUD103, including a $25 delivery. Not bad I say, compared to the $200-odd I would've shelled out buying it straight off (the official GMAT site) or at Borders (not that they would've had it, the fiction loving idiots!). Downside - Expected delivery date is late June!
As for the Manhattan Guide to Sentence Correction so widely renowned in the GMAT blogosphere, I simply printed out the 77-pager from the free pdf download at, punched it and put it into a ring binder! Also printed and bound Spidey's and Sahil's SC notes while I was at it (Confession : used office printer).
Intend to do same for rest of mg's stuff. Brilliant, I say.
Also made an account with and downloaded their free GMAT software.
Have placed GMAT in large red letters on a spirax and written pattern on inside cover. Intend to practise in this notebook as well, as practicing on sheets of paper leads to trouble later as one tries to remember past approaches to questions.
Plan till books arrive - GMAT Prep software/mg SC/all mg stuff.
Once books arrive, will start with PR and then move on to OG's. Expect to finish all this by end of year giving 5-7 hours every weekend. Then will buy Kaplan in 2009 and take a week's leave and book GMAT exam. That's the plan, amigos, that's the plan.
PS: Am using Windows Live writer to write this. Its a free blogging software downloadable off the Microsoft website. For once, Microsoft has done something right - they kept it free. Brilliant for blokes (blokies?) like me who need to quickly and painlessly post to multiple blogs.

Books are always helpful in the exam preparation. But for the exam like GMAT, books are not enough. You need a expert help for the preparation.Joining preparation course is a great idea. But you have to carefully choose the best programs for the preparation.
GMAT Sentence Correction